Archive for the ‘Flatbreads & Crusts’ Category


We dine well here in Camelot We eat ham and jam and spam a lot.

May 27, 2013


Oh, hello there!  Remember me?  Don’t feel bad if you don’t, I know it’s been a while.  For those of you still checking in periodically, thank you.  And please accept my apologies for slacking off so much.  I haven’t stopped baking, far from it.  I’ll make something fantastic, be very excited about blogging it, and then…distraction happens (surprise!).  Before I start writing, I should probably update my iOS, or research new cameras, or make a facebook page, or think about twitter, or contemplate a new theme, or ponder taking loveysoven in a slightly different direction, or…. crap, suddenly it’s been months.  Oops.

Anyway, I’ve been getting a lot of good-natured razzing from friends and family lately on the state of my ‘invisible’ blog.  The ribbing, combined with a most excellent weekend adventure, has inspired me to put intentions into action and dust off the cobwebs!

As many of you know, I’m a big fan of King Arthur Flour.  Their products are top-notch and their recipes rarely disappoint.  I’ve even been known to refer to their store in Vermont as ‘The Mothership.’   Needless to say, I was pleased as punch to discover that my birthday gift from mrslovey this year was a weekend getaway – a night at an historic inn, followed by a class at KAF.  Yeah, she’s good. Image

We drove up to Vermont on Saturday, and checked into the most perfect room at the most perfect Inn.  After dinner and some exploring, we capped off the evening at the Inn’s alehouse, where mrslovey sampled several of their creations and deemed them delicious.  Sunday morning was an I-could-get-used-to-this-life-of-leisure breakfast, and then it was time for class!

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